Your confidence is key to saving your marriage
If your wife is breaking up with you and you want to give yourself the best chance of getting her back then the first thing that you absolutely must do is agree with her. Go through with the separation and don't argue with her. Once you are apart you will be free. Free to start building your confidence and looking forward to the making up process.
Sooner or later your wife is going to be looking for a new man. A guy who is confident and self assured. Someone who is capable of living his own life while protecting her at the same time. You can be this guy if you want to be and one of the ways you can help yourself to turn into the man she wants is to start dating other women. You won't get your wife back just because you've been out on dates but it will give your confidence a boost that your ex is bound to notice.
Take some well earned time off from your wife
Pleading with your wife to change her mind about the breakup is not going to work. This is what most guys do in this situation because it's what all your instincts are telling you that you should do. This is why most men fail to save their marriages. All you will succeed in doing is push your wife further away and make things even worse than they were before.
Tell your partner that you're cool with the separation. You can even tell her that you were going to suggest the same thing. This will diffuse the situation and put her at ease. She will feel that she can still talk to you which will be a big advantage to you in the next few weeks.
Now that you are a free man again for a while you must start to work on yourself. Use the gym regularly, buy some new clothes and start dating other women. Start turning yourself into someone your ex wife will find attractive. Remember you did it once so you can do it again.
How to boost your confidence by talking to women
It's hard at first. I know because I've been there. You've probably forgotten how to talk to women and you may be a little frightened by the thought of it. Well you have to get over that. Force yourself to take the plunge and just say something to a woman. Anything - it doesn't matter much what you say, the point is just give it a go.
What surprised me when I did this after 18 years of hardly looking at another woman is that they will talk back to you. Yes it's true, most of them will say something back even if it's very brief. After you've done this once or twice it will start to get easier I promise.
Dating women will improve your chances of getting your ex back
There are plenty of women willing to exchange a few words with you while shopping or waiting at airports or hotels. If you talk to enough of them then sooner or later you'll end up having coffee or dating. If you want to speed up the process then you can find your dates online at one of the many dating web sites. It worked for me.
When you realize that there are women out there who want to date you and have a good time in your company you will find out how much of a tremendous boost to your confidence it can be. This is the confidence you are looking for. The confidence to know that you don't need your ex wife any more even though you still love her and want to get back with her.
How to save marriage - It's easier when you don't need to
If you don't need your ex anymore but you still love her then now is the time to think about making your wife love you again. You're a new man and that's exactly what she's looking for but be careful not to blow it by going in unprepared. There is a right and a wrong way to do this and you need a plan so do some reading and think about what you're going to do before you do it.