Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Marriage Relationship Advice

Marriage is not meant to cause you happiness all the time. Common marriage problems can happen anytime with no warning. Even if marriage on the first few years is like a heaven sent, it will unavoidably change and different personalities and interests are all noticed and observed. With all those differences from attitudes, temper, to personalities, they are no longer a hidden secret but these need to be accepted. On the other hand, as time goes by, we change for the better in the relationship and unconsciously change as well even at the worst times.

There are thousands and billions of common marriage problems. The amount of problems are immeasurable. This is so common to married life since two different people with different interest and personalities come together to live as one. Some couples are staying on their in-laws while looking for a house or apartment to rent. This is one problem that couples may face because in-laws can interfere with your life especially when deciding. When you have children who are also living with them can be so hard because sometimes, the in-laws are becoming so particular with their grandchildren that even on how you rear them is also noticed. Your in-laws can even make you feel that you cannot decide on your own. There are also in-laws who do not care at all with you.They do not talk often and care less with the new family.

This is also very common because there are couples who tied their knot and have not prepared enough because they were forced by such circumstance (pregnancy). Problems in food for their daily supplies to eat, milk, diapers and vaccination for the baby, etc. are just few of the reasons why conflict happens. When in stress from daily life experiences, you may feel a bit exhausted and tired, so interest in sex can be lessened.Making your partner feel the need for making love should be done on a perfect time. Meaning, when the husband is energized enough and eager to have sex, while the wife is tired from work and choose to sleep instead.

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